The question that we always get asked is: “How do you work and live with your partner?!” 😂

People are always so intrigued about what it’s like to be living and working together! Some of them can’t fathom it for fear of getting on each other’s nerves. I mean, not gonna lie… we used to at the very beginning. But we quickly learnt each other’s living / working style and settled into a peaceful, harmonious routine. It also helps that our energies are yin and yang.
But what we find works for us is that…
1) Every day after work, we always make it a rule to clean up and tidy for the day. That way, our house goes back to being our home! It separates that feeling of working and living in the same space for our own peace of mind.
2) Since we’re together all day every day, we give each other space during the day. So even though we’re in the same house, Anna goes off into the kitchen while Dan is working away on his computer. We love listening to audiobooks and podcasts separately, too, so we can get lost in our own worlds for a while whilst working.
3) It’s very important for us to have hobbies! 3-4 nights of the week, we’re usually doing our own thing, so we’re not in each other’s space. And for the other nights, we’d watch tv / do activities together so we still have moments to re-connect.
So it’s totally possible to mix business and pleasure!
The best bit of all is that we get to spend our days together, which means we get to laugh about whatever things we come across during the day. It also means that going to events like a radio interview or award ceremonies is extra special, as we get to experience it together.
And because we are both big foodies, we get to enthuse together and brainstorm about cooking or chocolate flavours when the inspiration comes 🏡
Do you work with a partner / family / friend? What tips or stories would you like to share with us? 🤗